This is a 45-minute excerpt from my recent two-hour channeled heart-breath immersion with Medusa as the Muse and initiator. Please take good care to prepare to listen to this message by setting your intentions and bringing ease, courage, and grace as you breathe into your heart. Let Medusa be your fierce protector and be in your reflection. There is no right way to listen to this; just bring focused awareness to your breath. With love as love, Jess
This is a 45-minute excerpt from my recent two-hour channeled heart-breath immersion with Medusa as the Muse and initiator. Please take good care to prepare to listen to this message by setting your intentions and bringing ease, courage, and grace as you breathe into your heart. Let Medusa be your fierce protector and be in your reflection. There is no right way to listen to this; just bring focused awareness to your breath. With love as love, Jess