What People Are Saying…

“Jessica has completely changed my life and helped me discover who I truly am. I started my journey with Jessica over a year ago, and I have to say, I am not the same person at all. Our sessions have been like a fresh, deep breath, allowing me to let go and love all aspects of myself and everyone around me. I am extremely grateful to have found her; her techniques, comforting voice, and insights are highly unique, transformative, and effective. More importantly, she always goes above and beyond for her clients, extending amazing invitations to those interested in deepening their personal journey.
If you're looking for an understanding, open-minded, and warm therapist, she is without a doubt your person. I can't recommend Jessica enough; she is a light and also highly creative, sharing important messages through her online shop.”
“Working with Jessica has undoubtedly changed my life; I am so blessed to have been able to work with her for the past year. Jessica has the biggest heart and it is evident she cares very deeply for all her clients. Her unique approach has allowed me to discover myself and grow in ways I didn’t know were possible, and her consistent guidance and support have been transformational. She is extremely knowledgeable and talented; I never fail to learn something new every time I see her.
I am eternally grateful to have found her, and I can guarantee that there is absolutely nobody as special as Jess. If you want to be the best version of yourself, with the help of the warmest and most compassionate woman, look no further.”
I first met Jessica in 2018 when I was in graduate school. I was going through a breakup from a physically and emotionally abusive partner, and I went to the Wellness Center because I felt I was reaching my own breaking point. My first session with Jessica provided so much hope and insight about myself at a time in my early 20’s when I felt lost and completely out of control of my own emotions and thoughts. I remember struggling every single day with thoughts and behaviors that I felt I didn’t have a handle on.
She was trying to teach me to embrace every perceived flaw that I thought I had, while also holding me accountable for behaviors that weren’t serving me at the time. I remember one time I ran into session late, explaining to her that I couldn’t find an outfit that didn’t make me look fat this morning and how I felt fat and ugly and my hair didn’t look right, and she immediately stopped me and said “we are not going to spend this session with you just tearing yourself down”. I was shocked and immediately had to redirect my thoughts, I was literally learning how to redirect my thoughts in real time and also learning patterns that kept me in a self-hate spiral for years.
I am a Black woman who at first wanted to find a Black therapist to be able to speak about racism and microaggressions I was experiencing, because usually those topics are very difficult for me to bring up with those who do not identify as Black. I remember bringing up different experiences with racism and searching for her discomfort, and not seeing any. She was able to hold the space and even acknowledge her own identity in those conversations by saying “what is it like saying this to a therapist who is not Black”, she goes right there and addresses the elephant in the room. You know you are going to get very authentic energy with her.
Sometimes things she said to me in my 20s that I didn’t get then, click for me now. I was dating someone a couple of years ago, and I couldn’t figure out if they were the right person, and she said something that I still think about today, “You know you have found the right person, when you don’t have to betray yourself to be with them”. I’ll be honest, it didn’t click for me then, but I think about that every time I meet someone new while I’m dating now.
Fast forward to 2024, I now see Jessica for supervision because I started my own psychotherapy private practice. I thought I was going with the intention to get administrative advice and to get help dealing with clients I struggle with. Instead, I received so much more, a lens to look into some of my deepest insecurities and seeing how they impact me in sessions and even with the plan that I have for my future business. I often leave the sessions in awe asking myself “how the hell did we get here?” But also being so grateful, because there are gray areas about myself that I still don’t even know exist and the guidance I was seeking about my business, I was able to apply to everyday life. Therapy with Jessica has made me a better clinician and overall a better version of myself. I owe the credit for lot of my growth over the years to what I’ve learned in sessions with Jessica.
I believe God puts certain people in your life for a reason. I genuinely don’t know where I would be without the guidance, wisdom, and support I have received from my sessions with her. I do not say this lightly, but these sessions have genuinely saved my life, I was once in a very dark place.
I’ve been working with Jess for over a year, and I’m so thankful to have found her. She is unlike other therapists I’ve worked with before and helps me to find a sense of quietude from within. This is so special and valuable, given my tendency to overthink and become anxious. Every session is like opening a bottle of kombucha — I become aware of this lid I’m releasing — and the pressure that builds up over the course of a couple weeks (that I don’t even recognize until the moment I sit in front of her). The beginning is always a bit fizzy, but by the end of the session, the fermented sediment has rested on the bottom, and I’m able to listen in a way I haven’t before, and I savor the refreshing messages that Jess and I share together over the course of the hour. She is a magical being, compassionate and non-judgmental, and is especially attuned to body language and somatic healing. Not only is Jess a gifted listener and interlocutor, she models for others what it means to truly listen. I'm so grateful for the time we have together.
“Connecting with Jess is nourishment for the soul. Jess is a deeply intuitive being who can feel energy, sense meaning beyond words, and listen compassionately. She brings deep love into our interactions, encouraging me to, as she says, "connect to the love that I am and was meant to be." Because Jess is trained in multiple therapeutic and healing modalities, she can bring the energy and the healing work that I need in any particular conversation. I am beyond grateful to Jess and all that she has brought into my life.”
“My experience with Jessica has been so unique from all of the other readings I've received in the past. Jessica is truly gifted and helped me reconnect and put a voice to my own intuition which has brought me so much peace. I am going through some big life changes and her guidance has given me a great sense of empowerment and the clarity I needed to move forward. I have since felt a major shift in my life and have been receiving so many spiritual messages. I was truly blown away by her reading - she was so accurate about what was going on in my life, and has illuminated the path and given me so much insight about what's to come on my journey. It is an honor, a blessing, and a privilege to experience a reading with Jessica!”
— Jennifer D.
“Jessica offers a safe, warm, and inviting space for healing. I love listening to her soothing voice as she guides me through my inner darkness. I completely trust her process and feel the vibrations from our work together for weeks afterward. I look forward to every session with utmost respect and appreciation. As a performing artist, discovering a healer you can surrender yourself with is essential to our creative process. I cannot wait to continue my practice with Jessica and all the magical folks from different walks of life she inspires into our Breathwork circles.”
— Priscilla, performing artist